Tech Tip #9: How to Install a Continental or Perkins Water Pump Pulley

Written by Dr. Diesel


Helpful guide regarding the installation of a Continental or Perkins Water Pump Pulley

A lot of us these days never grew up on farms or have had experiences where basic mechanical skills were taught. This Tech Tip shows you how to install a water pump pulley without breaking it or, more likely, ruining your new water pump.

  1. Using WD40, remove the old water pump from the engine and clean the mounting surface on the engine block.
  2. Thoroughly drain, flush, and reverse flush your radiator and engine block to remove all scale and rust.
  3. Remove the backing plate from the old pump and measure the distance from the rear of the pump body to the rear of the pulley flange.
  4. Carefully remove the old pulley using a puller and check the sheaves for abrasions. (Note: This would be a good time to paint your pulley with a resistant paint.) Apply Locktite retainer compound to the pulley bore.
  5. Place the pulley face down on a flat surface and, using an arbor, press the end of the shaft to the determined distance in Step 3. The pulley should turn freely when installed.
  6. Install the pump on the blocks with a new gasket. Check all hoses, fill the engine with coolant, and, while running, check for leaks.

As a side note, please keep in mind that not only can a press-on pulley be difficult to remove and press onto the new pump, it can be expensive if you break the pulley. Perkins press-on pulleys, such as on the Perkins 4.108, are more expensive than the pump itself. Because of this, we ship all of our Perkins 4.108 fresh water pumps with a pulley already pressed on. This saves you time and money. Continental TM27 pulleys are less expensive than a Perkins 4.108 pulley but we include them on most of the Continental TM27 pumps we ship, especially on Welder applications.


Written by Dr. Diesel
Knowledge is power. To help our customers, we share tech tips summarizing some of our opinions, knowledge and information of interest that we have gathered since 1916 when Foley Engines opened for business. If you have any questions or comments, go to “Ask Dr. Diesel™” where you can pose questions about engines, clutches, exhaust scrubbers, etc.