Tech Tip #25: Break-in Oil: Not Synthetic

Dr. Diesel
Written by Dr. Diesel


Recommended oil for initial break-in on Deutz and Perkins engines.

In Foley Tech Tip #1  we recommended a 50/50 blend of synthetic and petroleum-based oils, but a word of caution: don’t use synthetic oil during the critical initial break-in period. It’s to slippery! The internal engine parts will not have a chance to wear-in together. Many camshaft manufacturers and regrinders say not to use synthetics until the first oil change. Petroleum-based oil will enhance the break-in of the cam and lifters.

At the first oil change, change the filter too to get rid of the molybdenum disulfide cam break-in lubricant. This goop while necessary for break-in, can easily clog an oil filter. Then fill the crankcase with either a full synthetic or a 50/50 blend.

Of course, there is more to breaking in your engine than just your oil selection.  For additional information see How To Break In A Rebuilt Engine and Foley Tech Tip #184: How To Break-In A Remanufactured Deutz Or Perkins Engine.


Dr. Diesel
Written by Dr. Diesel
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