Tech Tip #210: Twin Disc Clutch Adjustment

Written by Dr. Diesel


This tag is included with every aftermarket replacement Twin Disc or Rockford clutch we ship. After all, we want your clutch to last a long time.

The clutch was properly adjusted at the factory for the correct capacity. However, due to variables created by first time engagements the clutch engagement pressure must be measured to insure proper clutch pressure at the time of installation. The engagement torque must be measured using the torque wrench method at the yoke shaft.

See our Dr. Diesel™ Tech Tip #48: Maintaining Your Rockford and Twin Disc Power Takeoff Clutch for information on how to adjust your clutch.


Written by Dr. Diesel
Knowledge is power. To help our customers, we share tech tips summarizing some of our opinions, knowledge and information of interest that we have gathered since 1916 when Foley Engines opened for business. If you have any questions or comments, go to “Ask Dr. Diesel™” where you can pose questions about engines, clutches, exhaust scrubbers, etc.