Tech Tip #166: Block Heaters, Glow Plugs, and Immersion Heaters for your Perkins, Deutz or Ford Industrial Engine

Written by Dr. Diesel


You don’t have to be Frank Sinatra to know that this is one of the coldest winters we’ve seen in a while. But we can help.

We have block heaters for most Perkins engines.  You pop out a freeze plug, insert the heater and then plug it into 110 wall outlet. Now your engine will be warm and toasty. It will last a lot longer, too!

Having a hard time starting your 100 Series Perkins? We’re running a special on glow plugs. We have glow plugs for the popular HP, HR, KC, KD and other Perkins engines available!

Running a Deutz 912/913 engine?  We have immersion heaters for these air cooled engines.  Running a Deutz 1012, 1013 or 2013?  We have heaters for these also.

Maybe you’re running a Ford 300 in a Marine Travelift or a wood chipper? We have block heaters for these too.


Written by Dr. Diesel
Knowledge is power. To help our customers, we share tech tips summarizing some of our opinions, knowledge and information of interest that we have gathered since 1916 when Foley Engines opened for business. If you have any questions or comments, go to “Ask Dr. Diesel™” where you can pose questions about engines, clutches, exhaust scrubbers, etc.