Tips on how to correctly identify the correct Deutz 912 Diesel Series Fuel Pumps and Injectors
The following Tech Tip gives an easy three question guide to help you identify your Deutz 912 fuel injection pump. Many Foley customers have a hard time advising us which Deutz 912 fuel injection pump they may need because even if they can furnish their Deutz Diesel engine serial number, it may not be that helpful. Over the years owners have swapped different style 912 pumps from one engine another. We use the following three-question guide to help identify which Deutz injection pump a customer needs. Foley can usually same day ship a Deutz Diesel injection pump and/or a set of Deutz diesel fuel injectors the same day you call.
- Shaft Flange Size
a) The small shaft flange is 2.5″ (68 mm) in diameter and installs with a gasket
b) The large shaft flange is 3.5″ (85 mm) in diameter and installs with an “O” ring - Number of levers on the pump
a) One
b) Two - Speed
a) Variable
b) Constant 1800 RPM generator rating
We also stock Deutz fuel injectors and can ship them on a same-day basis as well. Here the engine serial number from your Deutz diesel is helpful and we request that you advise us of it.
As with all diesel engines, clean, dry fuel is the key to successful running and ensuring the longevity of your Deutz diesel fuel injection pump. To help you keep your Deutz diesel running smoothly, we recommend fuel conditioner and a new diesel fuel filter with all Deutz diesel fuel injection component replacements. We also have Tech Tips on how to bleed diesel fuel systems. These are:
- Tech Tip #58, Bleeding Lucas, Stanadyne, and Diesel Kiki Fuel Systems
- Tech Tip #82, Bleeding Perkins, Deutz and Deere Fuel Systems, Part Two