A Few Words From Our Customers
Given our 106 years in business, we have received many testimonials from satisfied customers. Here are just a few of that we receive each and every month!
I just wanted to thank Jessica for her help on following up on an order I placed for our company last week.
Thanks again
Contra Costa Electric Inc
Thank you for the help on the injectors. I have received them and everything looks good. Again thanks for the prompt help!
Thank you,
Mike Loman
Propane Service Manager
Monte Vista Coop
Foley Engines has left a good impression.
-Parts arrived in good time and they were packed well.
-An extra mug smuggled into our country – nice! I was thinking I needed a mug at my new job here.
-Invoice number on your PPWK is clearly identified in big numbers on top right hand corner. You’d be surprised how many vendors hide that important number on the paper somewhere.
-An extra Rolodex card included.
-Some extra PPWK for returns and general info.
Maybe it’s because I like details and I look out for them, but it’s hard to miss the extra care Foley took when this was shipped.
I like to say that a good marriage or any good work relationship isn’t 50/50. The good ones are 60/60 or more. I know that doesn’t add up to 100, but if we all do a little extra, doesn’t that make everything go smoother?
Thanks for your attention to detail.
Have a good weekend!
James Kampen
Parts Coordinator
Leavitt Cranes
Hello Dr.
You may remember me as the over-caffeinated man calling about a 1978 fuel pump for an Perkins gas engine. I should have called you first, you knew what I needed instantly. No one else could help.
I will be less stupid and call you first next time.
Ron Van Paluus
Hi Dr. Diesel,
Thanks for the quick reply, you have saved me time and money of a much larger future repair. I really do appreciate you sharing your knowledge and time to reply to my question. In the past, I purchased a solid state distributer and coil for my Wisconsin engine from Foley Engines and that upgrade has made the engine much more dependable.
Christopher D Riggs, President
AD&D Welding & Boiler Works, Inc
Mr. Foley:
I return to the MIT campus today for the first time in a month, indeed more than a month, to find waiting for me your kind note about my letter to WSJ, which they only moderately hacked up. Thank you for taking the time to write.
It looks like a sweet little company you’ve got there in Worcester.
With best regards,
Joel F. Brenner
Dear Mr. Foley:
This is to thank you again for your prompt, expert service in replacing my old Westerbeke/ Perkins 4-107 with a remanufactured engine.
Your outfit put the whole deal together for me in less than a week, including delivery to an out-of-the-way village on the Maine coast. The engine bolted right in on existing engine beds, without even having to realign the propeller shaft.
I was most impressed by my visit to your facility when I dropped of the old “core” engine. It is clean, well organized and your staff could not have been more friendly.
Best regards.
Fred Bowers
Haier Plumbing recently purchased a scrubber for one of our machines and it worked perfectly.
Now we are interested in finding a scrubber for our walk behind saw with a Honda Engine.
Fred R
Haier Plumbing
Thank you Foley Engines! You guys have been great to me.
I’ve recently got rid of all my equipment. But wanted to say your staff was always friendly and so helpful. And sometimes knew what I needed before I did. So I won’t be needing anything more. But you guys are great and I will recommend you to others for sure.
Merry Christmas to the whole staff!!
Michael J
I just wanted you to know that we finally got to finish assembling and testing of our heat cart in which we purchased a PTO from you.
The unit is operating great!
I will get the pilot bearing that was sent up here back to you ASAP.
I was out for a couple of weeks over the holidays while my son was on military leave.
Thank you for all your help with this project!
Erik Gagnon
Bangor International Airport
Greetings From Mallorca Spain!
I just recently had the very distinct pleasure of replacing my really nasty OEM cooler with one of your stainless ones.
I would like to order another as a spare for when it wears out in 20 or 30 years (ok, more likely so I can help out a buddy on a similar boat).
I’d like to have it shipped to a U.S. address and it’ll get to me by personal courier … ok, my wife … she’ll bring it back with her.
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
Best wishes,
S/V Adagio

Have the best CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR. And thanks for all the help you did!
Jacks Truck & Equipment Repair
Dr. Diesel
I will be retiring December 29th. Thank you for all the help you have given me in the past years.
Ina Rose
Thanks to you both and same to Phil…
All arrived on schedule as you said – rare these days!
Ben VandenBossche
Recently you all sent me a replacement carburetor for my OMC Mustang 440 skid steer loader that did not work on my engine. Phil asked me to return it and send him the original for rebuild which I did. Yesterday I installed the rebuilt carb and fired up the loader.
Please let Phil know that it fired up on its third or fourth revolution and runs better than it has for probably 10 years? No adjustments necessary!!!! Please thank him for me.
I will not forget you guys when I need engine products. Paul Zehfuss Ravensworth Management Co
Hey Dr Diesel, this really is you!
Thanks for your help today, for calming me down and arranging the fast shipping of my Perkins 4.107 rear seal and fuel filter system upgrade. It’s good to know you’re there and I promise to not bug you too much in the future.
Kind regards, thanks again. Bill Crysler Sidney, British Columbia, Canada
San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico
Thanks, guys! A fast reply is good when you are under the engine. 🙂 Alex
Hi there,
I recently purchased one of your diesel scrubbers and wanted to let you know that works great! I am looking at purchasing another scrubber for a Husqvarna FS4800D concrete saw that has 48HP and is diesel powered. Thanks, Grant Big Dawg Demolition
Regarding Tech Tip #77: Kubota V1702 name plate info, Thank You for the great tech tip. Keep up the good work and I enjoyed talking to Phil, from the Machine Shop, today. John Komosa Equipment Service Alaska (Initial contact, recognizing excellence when I see it, thanks.)
Dear Dr. Diesel, Thank you very much for the donation of the Hurth Transmission Fluid we needed to complete repairs on the vessel relied upon for our Sea Scout program. Not only will this allow the repairs to be completed, but the youth will be participating in the process to not only benefit from the labor but to learn as they go to assist with the repairs. This is an integral part of the program, learning that while sailing is fun its only half of the time we spend with boats. The other half is on regular maintenance as well as more involved repairs. Respectfully yours, Don St. Amour Sea Scout Ship 185, Skipper Apollo Beach, FL
Dr. Diesel, When my Royer peat shredder went down in 2012 I bought an engine from you and my mechanic at the time said it was the best turn-key experience he had ever done on an engine. That is why I called you again, and thanks for reminding me of our last exchange with your response in line with last September’s exchange. So, thanks for the quote and I think that you speak with much experience in regard to the rebuild. Jim Perrizo
FS&G Redi-Mix and
Fairbanks Sand & Gravel
I just wanted to thank you for all your help and the nice card that was sent to me. I have also referred other paint stripers to your company! Pat PS Striping LLC
Thanks for all your help with the purchase and shipping of the scrubber for my John Deere CT322. Installation worked out great! Thanks again, Ted Kuberski Excavating
If Foley doesn’t have the parts, you don’t really need them.
American Asphalt
From an Illinois Caterpillar Dealer: Dr. Diesel, We’ve installed one of your electronic governor kits before on an Onan 460 Ford, saved the customer 10s of thousands of dollars since another company had condemned the unit and stated damaged parts are obsolete and the unit was obsolete. All it needs to do is make voltage and frequency, new governor, still running today. You should hear from us on Monday for an order. Thank you and enjoy your weekend. Fraser
Hello Foley, First of all I love the tech tips. Second, I am in Canada: where can I get a remote oil filter kit for my Perkins 4.108M? I currently have the filter up-side-down and case mounted. Thanks, John
Your rebuilt injectors worked great and saved my weekend trip! Thank you! Capt. Chris “FV Codzilla”
Hello Jay,
I received the Perkins parts today! I really appreciate the quick service.
I have a Continental TM27 coming in to the shop next week, do you supply parts for this engine as well?
Joe Connors Administrative Operations Manager, Butler MacMaster Hallowell, ME 04347
Great service my machine is back to work!!! Thanks, Frank C. Ciavattone Construction Inc.
Thanks! I got the tracking # last night. Like Foley, we don’t stop until we are set up to go. I appreciate all your help.
Thanks! Jon W. Vollers Excavating
I recently purchased a custom muffler set-up from your company for my Deutz BF4L1011 F engine. Phil did a great job for me. Thank you and Regards, Jack R. Professional Tree & Stump Co
Dear Dr Diesel,
Thanks for your great tip on bleeding the injectors one at a time while turning over the engine. I was pulling my hair out, but tried your trick and the engine kicked over after the second injector. Thanks!!! Phil M. XL Kites
Dr. Diesel,
Thank you for the excellent service in getting our order processed in such an urgent manner, in addition to the excellent savings! I will share my experience about the superior service and pricing with my peers on our weekly conference call for the Western region that encompasses the entire west coast, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and Hawaii. I do feel that there is significant potential to build a relationship based on difficulty finding competitively priced parts for the Deutz engines in our fleet in particular. One of our biggest challenges in finding new vendors to build new relationships with is overcoming the hurdle of finding vendors that will accept our corporate American Express purchasing cards. I do believe that if this were not an issue going forward then there would be many of our locations more than happy to source their Deutz, Cummins, Deere, and Perkins needs from you as well. Thank you once again for the superior customer service, and I look forward to future opportunities to do business. Richard M. Shop Supervisor Hertz Equipment Rental
Hi, I love your tech tips!
I am rebuilding the interior of an aluminum motor-sailor (you can see more about the project here http://aluminuts.blogspot.com/p/history.html). It has a Perkins 4.236. I was looking at Tech Tip #62: Installing a Hot Water regarding installing a hot water heater and the diagram is not very useful. I see on my engine’s fresh water pump a port that could be used to take off coolant water, but I don’t know where it should be returned. Should I drill and tap a hole into the coolant header tank on the top front of the engine? Also, after reinstalling the engine into the engine room and hooking up my newly built fuel system, is it possible to prime all the fuel lines and accomplish a bleeding of the engine’s fuel system simply by applying a vacuum (for example my oil change pump) to the return fuel line? I’m sure I’ll have more questions as the installation progresses. I am curious about your flexible drive couplings that you mention in a tech tip but I can’t find them on your website. I don’t know if I need one as our Perkins 4236 is swinging a 26″ prop behind a full keel on a 2″ shaft through a Borg Warner 2.91:1 transmission. If I wrap a line, worst thing that will happen is my engine will stop! Alexander B. US Virgin Islands
Dear Jessica,
I want to say “Thanks” to you, Mitch and the others at Foley. This whole “adventure” started as a tremendous pain in the neck as the pump was seized by T.S.A. in Miami (after American Airlines in St. Kitts gave me explicit permission to travel with it in my checked bags). Getting the pump back from t.s.a. was like pulling teeth, but Mitch communicated with an American airlines liaison in Miami and finally got the thing shipped to you. After all that, your tests showed nothing wrong with the thing! I can now look forward to a winter and spring season of taking tourists snorkeling down here in Nevis on my diesel launch called “Rum”. Thanks for your helpful service! Frank B. Morse
Thanks. You folks are awesome! Gunny Christ NC
Hi Dr. Diesel,
I am sitting here dreading the thought of checking my Hurth transmission oil level and reading your tech tips to do so. I end up reading all of your Business Tips. They are short, sound and prescient. You obviously have a lot of experience, and you are still in business. So am I. I appreciate reviewing the basics all the time. I too walk around my company shutting off all the lights, and I am going to rework our marketing program when I go back to work. Thanks, Bob Livingston Arion Water, Inc.
Thanks for the time and the information on the engine, it’s appreciated.
–Mike Wein – IMS Expert Services 01-17-05
I have an 1968 Bolens Husky 1050 with a Wisconsin Engine. I was having engine trouble so I took it to a small engine repair shop. The mechanic told me after almost a week and a half that he was unable to locate parts. I went to my home page, typed in Wisconsin small engines and Foleyengines.com was the first one that caught my eye. I visited the web site, entered my engines specs and was rewarded with a return e-mail in less than 30 minutes. I contacted the engine repair shop and asked if he wanted me to order the parts, he said yes where did you find them. I called the number attached to the e-mail from Foley Engines. I talked to Don. He was very helpful and knowledgeable. I guess that comes from working for Wisconsin Engines for 30 years or so. Anyway, he told me the parts were shipping and would be there Tuesday. Sure enough they were there Tuesday. The only problem remaining is I still don’t have my tractor back, but that is not the fault of Don or anyone at Foley Engines. Thank you and look forward to future business from me.
David Graham
On Monday I returned a water pump impeller that was not the correct one for my engine and yesterday when I got home, I found the replacement at my door.
Thank you & your guys very much for the GREAT SERVICE !
It is certainly a pleasant surprise to find a supplier who does not make you run around in circles to correct a mistake that was made; something that has been my misfortune to run into more than a few times recently.
BRAVO ZULU to your service operation and be assured you will hear from me again, and I WILL tell all my friends on the waterfront! (Which usually only happens when I am ticked-off, y’know ?!)
Best Regards,
*Capt. Chris*
Chris Lynch
I’m telling others ’bout you… 🙂
Dr. Garry G. Kraft
And they keep on coming in:
Dr. Diesel,
On Mar 17 I ordered a water pump and carb for a F162 Continental. I received the parts on Mar 26. Just as you said I would. The parts look great. Thank you for your prompt and knowledgeable help and service. It is very much appreciated.
Nels Cherry, Frontier Sask
Awesome info thank for sharing with us.
Christopher M. Robare
Alternative Generator Service Company
Westfield, MA. 01085
Dear Phil,
I would like to thank You and Foley Engines for such a quick response back in February. The plant generator at our Water Pollution Control Plant went down due to a defective governor.
After an extensive search locally, I was advised that part was no longer available. While searching on line, Foley Engines site came up with the governor at a reasonable cost.
After confirming the part number w / you, it was on its way the same day and received the part within 2 business days.
In this day & age very little customer services exists anymore just by the nature of the times. I would like to commend you and Foley Engines for a job well done and look forward to doing more business with Foley Engines in the Future.
Frederick DiRisio
Superintendent of Public Works
Village of Jordan
Jordan, NY
Subject: Well Done Sir !
Your ‘killing a company’ was spot on sir. I hope that it serves as a wake-up call to your customer base and beyond.
Thank you. I wish you continued success. Nils K
St. Pete, Florida
Thank you for the email. I did read it and thought it was good enough to forward it on. Send more when you make them.
Cody J
Groom’s Engines
Nashville, TN
To: Foley Engines
Subject: RE: How to Kill a Company in 6 Easy Steps
I’m not sure how I got on this email list but thanks for the great advice! I certainly take this to heart.
Sean Gere
Gere Tree Care, Inc
I would like to thank you for the repacking of this engine going to Papeete, Tahiti. It had to be of good quality and construction in order for the airline to accept it.
I look forward to working with you in the future.
Best Regards, Jay Kablesh
Air Export Operations, Boston
DHL Global Forwarding
Dear Doc.,
I found you to be most helpful and knowledgeable on the phone. I found your website to be full of helpful information.
You guys do a good job. I will be sending you more business.
Thanks! George T.
Gainesville, TX
Love the mentoring part!
Hope you all have a Blessed and Merry Christmas!
God Bless,
Thank you for not being afraid to say Merry Christmas.
Gene Ragsdale
Hey There!
I found you guys through a friend that contracted me to repair a Ditch Witch that belongs to Knology (the cable and internet people). They ordered the kit from you and you sent it to me. I was pleased to find that the correct parts were ordered plus the nice thick service manual and coffee cup. I tell you, the book was greatly appreciated.
Thank you for it! Hope to do business down the road.
Chris Allen Lagrange, GA
Dr. Diesel,
I recently purchased a diesel scrubber from you and after your explanation, of getting the unit hot, all is well.
Just wanted to say “Thanks” and I also wanted to ask do you sell gas scrubbers for a 5hp Honda motor for a concrete trial machine and a concrete vibrating machine?
Thanks again, Floyd Hayse Hayse Contracting
Dear Dr. Diesel,
You have been very helpful throughout this process and I greatly appreciate it.
Have a great day. Tammy Paquin RN, BSN, CCM
Dementia Care Coordinator
Syracuse VA Medical Center
I liked looking over your tips today. I would suggest adding some more Deutz stuff. There is next to nothing for them online
I’m building a BF4F1011F and can’t find torque specs to save my life. A little write up on using the 2 timing pins would go over really well on there too.
Malcolm George
Sonny’s Place, truck and equipment repair
Hi Phil,
We are excited about the Zenith carb rebuild. Thanks for your help.
Our other passion is the ship, visit us at: www.dd793.com
Thanks again,
Steve Briand
City of Melrose, MA Fire Department
Your web site is great. I’ve learned more in a few minutes reading your Tech Tips about what I believe might be the ailing engine in an old chipper I have than from any other source I’ve found so far. You even gave me a clue about the governor. If I can zero in on what this engine really is, your phone will probably ring so I can find out if it’s worth replacing. Thanks for making so much information available. Gary Bennett
To: Foley Engines
Subject: Re: Hurth HBW-50 – Servicing – amount of fluid
Thank you very much I appreciate the advice. Yes. I have been running Foley Hytork fluid for about 3 years. I change the transmission oil once every 6 months. It works very good and I will continue to use it and recommend it to other boaters.
Gene Filipi
I installed the Walker AirSep on the engine last summer. It has made a difference in operation and noise and cleanliness.
In addition it was very easy to install and your instructions were excellent and easy to follow.
I will call to place the order, thank you again.
Re: Hurth Gears: A dollar an hour transmission? Click Here for the article
Heck – been there done that…got the t-shirt. Replaced that damn thing with only 350 hrs on it…
You are spot !
Best advice I could give anyone with these small transmissions is exactly what you just said…except the cooler is cheaper than the next transmission…you left that part out.
I use only fully syn ATF…and change it at 25 hours – – yeap, its a lot easier than changing out the transmission.
– Dbooker4
Great TB’s!
I would add to the dusty air conditions something like: “How many times have you serviced your air filters by 700 hours when it is time to change the belt?”
You get to sell more air filters Maybe it is a package of three air filters, a Special deal?
If they start buying air filters maybe make a set of air and oil filters too.
One thing I can tell you is the square tooth belts die first and the half round ones last a very long time.
Talking about $1000.00 engine repair…to say nothing about machine down time…they are just costing them selves $$
Put engine service manuals in bold print
I hope this helps and give you some more ideas.
Mike Caruso
American Engine Rebuilders Association
I received my order recently and all is in order.
Kudos to you, Dr. Diesel, and the entire staff of Foley Engines.
I look forward to doing repeat business with you in the future. Thanks, Gary Baugh
Kemah, TX
Love the Tech Tips!
Mike Caruso
Automotive Engine Rebuilders Association
Dear Dr Diesel:
We felt vulnerable sitting in our sailboat setting on a mooring in Green Turtle Cay, Bahamas without a transmission. While it was wonderful to be towed into a protected harbor and tied to a mooring, one is always a bit restless when those 2AM squalls blow thru and you have no mobility should your mooring fail or the mooring of the boat upwind of you.
When we Skyped Foley Engines and told them of our predicament their response was: – Yes, they had a replacement transmission in stock
– Yes, they could ship it immediately to a friend who was coming down
– Yes, they could charge it to our credit card with a NC billing address, and
– No, they wouldn’t come down and install it for us (hey, if you don’t ask you’ll never know.)
What a relief it was when our friend arrived with the transmission in hand along with everything we needed to install it.
While we never want to be in a similar position in the future, it is a comforting to know that Foley Engines can provide the support we need, when we need it.
Donn Erickson
SV Cypraea
Just thought I would send you the photos of the scrubber installation on the two skid steers. The install on the Hew Holland was really slick. Thanks, all worked out well.
Joe Cumbie
AWS Development
You rock Dr. Diesel™ !!!
Ron F.
We’re standing by to help!
Just a quick email to our friends and customers. Even though we’re expecting severe weather conditions here in the Northeast we are standing by to help!
First priority will go to the states, airports and local agencies that need help with engine parts for emergency generators and snow removal equipment. We also are standing by to help airport authorities and tree care professionals with parts and service for their Twin Disc® and Rockford clutches.
Dr. Diesel™ and the entire Foley Engines Team assure you that we will make every effort to get critical parts out to you regardless of weather conditions. If local UPS service is suspended we will make deliveries to the regional UPS hub and bus terminals to get your parts to you. We are committed to keeping you up and running!
Dr. Diesel,
I found your tech tip (#78) very helpful. I have the above gearbox driven by a Perkins 4-236. Can you supply a bearing kit, clutch kit and seal kit? Also, do you have a suitable oil cooler for this unit? What price for these items shipped to Malaysia.
Thanks for your help
Chris Cotter
S/Y Samasan
Hurth HBW50 Marine Transmission (Foley Remanufactured) Twelve Hundred Hours Later and Still Going Strong
Hi Dr. Diesel,
I replaced my HBW50 in NE Harbor, Maine, prior to a trip to the Bahamas.
It is still going, 1200 hours later and the fluid is still clean!
I’ve only used Mobil synthetic ATF in it. I’m trying to figure out how to increase the oil capacity haven’t managed this yet.
It is still going and seems all right
Peter Loveridge
Glennworrd, Nova Scotia
I have a Foley rebuilt Perkins 4.154 in my Cheoy Lee sailboat. Engine has
performed flawlessly to date. Thanks for your help on this. R. Hugh Granger, Ph.D.
HP Environmental, Inc.
104 Elden Street
Herndon, VA 20170
Dr. Diesel,
Happy Holidays! Again nice ad, great price and the best Tech Tip!
Mike Caruso
Automotive Engine Rebuilders Association
Tech Department
To The Foley Staff & Dr. Diesel,
On behalf of the entire staff thank you very much for the pizza lunch and all the parts help you and your staff have provided during the year. We look forward to doing much more business with Foley in the coming year.
Nick Lincoln
Journey’s End Marine
We received our carburetor this morning. It has been installed, and works perfect. Fast and professional service with quality parts at reasonable prices.
Thanks Doctor Diesel!
Larry Ready
October 30, 2010 – Fiji Islands
Dr. Diesel
Foley Marine & Industrial Engines, Inc.
200 Summer Street
Worcester, MA 01604
Dear Dr. Diesel,
I wanted to thank you and the fine personnel of Foley Marine Engines for providing excellent services and advice with my recent engine problems.
Having an engine problem is always a frustration, but having a major problem several hundred miles offshore and then trying to find the right parts from a third-world country is even more trying.
You not only jumped through hoops but you asked the right questions so that we got the right parts.
That is very valuable and I thank you.
Sincerely yours, Suzan Nettleship
Captain, s.v. Maamalni
Dear Dr. Diesel,
As an Englishman I like a well-turned phrase, and I’d like to congratulate you on your excellent tech tips- I’ve just sat down and read them all.
I would now like to order a quart of your Foley Hurth Hytork fluid to try it out. Also I would like to buy one of your Perkins Fuel System Washer kits for a 4236.
Graham Hoyland
Dr. D,
The parts arrived and were perfect. My Perkins is purring like a kitten now.
Thanks for taking such good care of me.
P.S. the fuel filter was a pleasant surprise. How’d you know I needed one? Extrasensory perception? Hmmm …
Lou Hunt s/v Indigo Afloat In The Caribbean
Dear Doc,
I was skeptical. After all, the Perkins group in Europe could not help me without the number actually on the governor, and the “Authorized” dealers of Perkins in the States said the same thing. So when I contacted you, and you immediately told me you have the part and you knew what I needed, well, I was just a bit doubtful. Then a delay in shipping just added to my misgivings. Doc, Sorry I doubted you!
Got the pump last week, put it on the Shady Lady over the weekend, and she started right up! Ran her tied to the dock, under power, for an hour before shutting her down. Over the next two weeks I will get her to the end of her journey, and safe during hurricane season.
Henceforth, you are my first choice, and first recommended, diesel maestro! As for a question, just two items. First, there is a seal cable on a screw adjustment for throttle. Previous rpm ran 20-25K but under power now, will >only run 17, and the throttle has a very short stroke, (with control cable connected or disconnected). Can I make an adjustment to the sealed screw to increase my rpm?
And second, and perhaps related, when I attached the governor to the engine, the top of the anti stall device and bleed screw on top of that ran into the manifold (noting that the old governor fit. Some small difference made all the difference). The only way to get the clearance I needed (right now about .020 after mis-alignment) was to rotate the alignment of the timing marks by about .5 to 1 degree . Not much, but visible. When the engine throttle is pulled back rapidly, the engine drops down to idle in a second or two, without stalling, so the height of the anti-stall assembly seems to be right. Any suggestions on getting my RPM back up again?
You and the crew really came through for me, even though the unexpected gift coffee cup did not quite make the journey. I will be sending the core for exchange tomorrow. I just really wanted to say thanks!
Just wanted to let you know how happy I was that the shipping problem was resolved. Basically I ordered a OH kit for a Perkins 4-108. I had it shipped to me in Hawaii and was a bit shocked by the nearly 300 dollar shipping fees. Upon some research I saw that the estimate for shipping should of been more like 111.00 dollars. When I called to express my concern over the excessive shipping fees I first spoke with Shawn and he had someone call me back. With in 15 minutes someone had called me back and told me that there would be a credit put on my CC for the difference. I was very pleased with this customer service and thought the issue was handled properly and timely. So thank you very much.
Paul K.
Thanks for the email blast. Let’s hope it gets out to the little guys too. It will be a good shot in the arm for them if they need an engine. Makes made what to look for something to put it in LOL.
Great Job Mike Caruso
AERA Technical Specialist
Hello Dr.Diesel,
I found your article concerning how to prolong the life of the Hurth marine gears very successful. I congratulate you for this work. Since we are also a gear manufacturer, we receive the same complaints from our customers. We got bored of explaining to them how to maintenance their gears and how often, however they resist us and do not believe.
Best Regards,
Hasan KAYA
Baysan Machine Gear & Marine Transmissions Systems Industry Corp.
“Thanks Mr. Foley. It was nice doing business with you. The ordering of the clutch assembly was easy, shipping was great and all went well. The equipment has been successfully repaired. The airport has a snow blower that has not been useable for 10 years or better. We are just a couple of volunteers who took it upon ourselves to get the equipment running again.
The only down side is the fact that we lost $200.00 due to the core not being useable.
Thanks again for your help.
MSG William (Skip) Shaw USAFR, Retired
Thank you. Your customer service and response has been excellent! It’s nice to see a company who still believes in getting things done.
Thanks again,
LHM Hydraulic
Hey Phil,
I just wanted to thank you for your help. The pump came in the next day and the day after that we had it in the boat and were fishing.
I love my Perkins diesel. It is practically bulletproof. I wouldn’t be surprised if that water pump was the original one.
I will be sure to call Foley Marine for Parts first from now on.
Thanks again
Bill O.
Thank you for your time! I appreciate your advice! In this case, specs are a non-factor. Awesome!
Michael B.
RE: Tech Tip #123: Chrysler Industrials: Why Mix ‘n’ Match Won’t Work
Particularly good article. I do like these tips.
JD Neeson
Marine Parts Express
Dr. Diesel,
After installing your Perkins engine fuel filter adaptor for spin-on filters, I cranked the engine for about 5 seconds (with injectors 2,3,and 4 open about ½ turn of a 5/8” wrench) and then with a small drop of fuel present at each injector, I secured the injectors and cranked for start. The engine started immediately, coughed a couple of times and has run smoothly ever since.
Now, changing fuel filters will usually cost about $40 for the two filters. Previously I was taking the boat to a yard in Seattle and spending a few hundred dollars in labor (in addition to the filters).
Now, the adaptor will pay for itself with one filter change.
Wendell C.
Seabeck, WA
Thank you. As always you make it difficult for anyone else to compete with your service, price, and quality. Will call in a few days. Peter V. Almstead Tree
Dr. Diesel, Just a quick note to say how impressed I was with your knowledge and helpfulness. I’m not a regular customer and this is the first time I called you to ask for an answer to a question. You were extremely helpful and kind to take your time. My question was quickly answered and, additionally, you were able to give me pricing on the spot. Well done! Warm regards, Michele M. S&J Yachts
Thank you for your timing belt tips on the Deutz 1011F engine. It is difficult to find much information on this engine. Joe Fazio Tug Technologies
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